Gather windows mac keyboard shortcut
Gather windows mac keyboard shortcut

Shift + End: Highlights from current position to end of line.Ĭtrl + Left arrow: Moves one word to the left at a time.Ĭtrl + Right arrow: Moves one word to the right at a time. Shift + Home: Highlights from current position to beginning of line.

#Gather windows mac keyboard shortcut windows

Shortcut Keys and their Functions: Some commonly used computer short cut keys are documented below.Īlt + F: File menu options in current program.į1: Universal Help in almost every Windows program.Ĭtrl + Home: Goes to beginning of document.

gather windows mac keyboard shortcut gather windows mac keyboard shortcut

Keyboard and computer shortcuts are designed to make routine computer functions quicker and easier to perform, boosting productivity and efficiency.

Gather windows mac keyboard shortcut